SFX Cemetery Revitalization Project
Saint Francis Xavier Cemetery Revitalization Project Updates
SAVE THE DATE: 2nd Annual Spring Dinner & Silent Auction- Saturday May 17th
More information to follow soon!
SFX Cemetery Revitalization Project COOKBOOK: CookBooks have been printed and ready to go! The cost is $15.00 by cash or check payable to SFX Cemetery (memo line write "cookbook") Cookbooks may be purchased after masses this weekend or by contacting Jan Gildea at email: [email protected] or cell phone: 781-929-8106. Jan will leave cookbook for you at Parish Collaborative Office and you can leave payment at that time.
Respect & Reflect Brick Walkway: All bricks ordered have been installed and surrounded by beautiful flowering trees, bushes and reflection benches. They are located on Washington Street between the two horseshoe entrances. Unfortunately, everything is covered by snow. However, we will be selecting a date in March for a Dedication & Blessing with Father Cannon. Date to follow soon. We will also be accepting new orders for Engraved Bricks to be installed in late Spring. Contact Jan Gildea to order.