
Lenten Seminar:

This year Pope Francis inaugurated a Jubilee Year in honor of the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea. This council gave us in large part the creed we recite at every Sunday Mass and on Solemnities. With this in mind, I will be offering a seminar on the creed using “Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith” by Bishop Athanasius Schneider. We will meet for six weeks on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm in the Father Sullivan Meeting Room located below the parish office. The seminar will begin on February 25th and conclude on April 8th. We will skip March 25th due to our Lenten Mission. For those interested, you should purchase the book and the study journal from Sophia Press, 1-800-888-9344. Please register through the parish office. Fr. Cannon


LENTEN MISSISON: Opening Your Heart to God’s Abundant Mercy

Saint Albert the Great/Saint Francis Xavier Collaborative will be offering a Lenten mission. Lenten missions have a long history in the Church. It allows parishioners a chance to enter more fully into the spirit of Lent. The mission will begin with the Sunday Masses on the weekend of March 22nd & 23rd Presentations will be held that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at 7 pm at Saint Albert the Great church and will be led by Reverend Michael Steele.

Lenten Station of the Cross

Starting Friday March 7th there will be stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm at St. Albert the Great,

Starting Friday March 14th there will be stations of the Cross at 4:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier

Rice Bowl Ministry

We are once again participating in supporting Catholic Relief Services through their Rice Bow Campaign.  Rice bowls will be located at the back of the Churches.  Please visit CRSricebowl.org for more information