
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)

Infant Baptism 

For families of Saint Albert the Great and Saint Francis Xavier
We look forward to celebrating your infant's Baptism, and welcoming your child to the Catholic faith!  Baptisms are held at Saint Francis two Sundays a month at 12:30pm and at Saint Alberts one Sunday a month at 12:00pm. During the months of July and August all Baptisms are held at Saint Albert the Great. There is a required Baptismal Catechesis class for parents and godparents which must be completed prior to the class. 
If you would like to register your child for Baptism or need more information, please contact the office at 781-337-2171, Ext. 9.

In preparation for this wonderful Sacrament of Baptism, one of your first decisions will be the selection of your child's godparents.  For a godparent to sponsor your child in faith, they must first believe in and practice that faith.  In choosing the godparents, consideration should be given to your family members or friends who live a Christian lifestyle.  The godparents you choose for your children are chosen for life and cannot be changed after the sacrament.

Godparent Requirements:

  1. Must be at least 16 years of age. 
  2. Must be a Baptized Catholic who has completed the Sacraments of Eucharist (Communion) and Confirmation and is practicing their Catholic faith. You will be required to provide documentation of their Confirmation unless they received Confirmation at Saint Alberts the Great or Saint Francis Xavier (then we can obtain the information).
  3. If the second godparent is not Catholic, he or she must be ​a baptized Christian and should be practicing his or her faith.

Upcoming Dates 

October 2024
Class - Monday October 7 at 7:00 PM in the Chapel at the Collaborative Offices
Baptism - Sunday, October 13 at 12:30 PM at Saint Francis Xavier
Baptism - Sunday, October 20 at 12:00 PM at Saint Albert the Great
Baptism - Sunday, October 27 at 12:30 PM at Saint Francis Xavier

November 2024
Class - Monday November  4 at 7:00 PM in the Chapel at the Collaborative Offices
Baptism - Sunday, November  10 at 12:30 PM at Saint Francis Xavier
Baptism - Sunday, November  17 at 12:00 PM at Saint Albert the Great
Baptism - Sunday, November  24 at 12:30 PM at Saint Francis Xavier

December 2024
Class - Monday December 2 at 7:00 PM in the Chapel at the Collaborative Offices
Baptism - Sunday, December 8 at 12:30 PM at Saint Francis Xavier
Baptism - Sunday, December  15 at 12:00 PM at Saint Albert the Great
Baptism - Sunday, December  22 at 12:30 PM at Saint Francis Xavier

To get the process started, please contact our Parish Office at 781-337-2171